The relationship damage of emotional withholding

Robyn Grayless
3 min readMay 18, 2020

A difference of opinion used to lead to banishment. Sometimes physically, but always emotionally.

Psychologists call this avoidant abuse or emotional withholding. Psychologists also say it’s becoming increasingly more common, and it comes with serious consequences.

Avoidant abuse, emotional withholding, withdrawal, conditional love—it’s a form of emotional abuse.
Emotional withholding, or “avoidant abuse is someone willingly withdrawing affection with the specific goal to hurt your feelings or control you.” –Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash

Thomas G. Fiffer, Senior Editor, Ethics, at The Good Men Project has this to say about it:



Robyn Grayless

Wife and mother with a rollercoaster past. Sharing lessons learned to help others find their worth and live their lives to the fullest.