What gaslighting means—with six examples of gaslighting

Robyn Grayless
8 min readFeb 11, 2021
Know the signs of gaslighting and take an inventory of your relationship. You deserve to feel safe and sane in your relationships.
Know the signs of gaslighting and take an inventory of your relationship. You deserve to feel safe and sane in your relationships. –Photo by Charlie Foster on Unsplash

I often stop to validate my thoughts and actions based on known facts. It’s a habit developed after leaving a marriage dominated by gaslighting.

Today I’m grounded in the moment—pragmatic, “dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences; practical.”

For the duration of my first marriage, however, I often felt lost in a fictional…



Robyn Grayless

Wife and mother with a rollercoaster past. Sharing lessons learned to help others find their worth and live their lives to the fullest.